Police in the UK have allowed rich, famous, politicians, and celebrities, be protected from child sex investigations for decades

It all started with the Jimmy Saville story.. and now … This is how the UK INDEPENDENT reports it:  Celebrities and politicians were protected from child sex investigations because hundreds of police intelligence files were kept so secret that investigating officers could not access them, it has been reported This is the truth that few … Read morePolice in the UK have allowed rich, famous, politicians, and celebrities, be protected from child sex investigations for decades

Really. A shape shifting alien guarding the President.. ? Probably not.But it sure makes for great YouTube and internet entertainment. According to a video, a Secret Service agent guarding President Barack Obama could be a shape shifting alien! Here is the video for your reference: The video was uploaded on March 19, 2013. It has … Read more

A high school in Bethlehem, PA, has asked students to stop using AXE body spray

Now maybe movie theaters can, too.. I hate going to a film on a weekend.. It’s a sewage pit of teenage odors. One stronger than the next. And the worst are those who don’t bath and try the AXE cover up.. Horrendous.  A high school in Bethlehem, PA, has asked students to stop using AXE … Read moreA high school in Bethlehem, PA, has asked students to stop using AXE body spray

Rumors and rumbles: What is New Jersey *and many other places* shaking?

Rumble in the Garden State.. Many websites had information about rumblings, booms, and tremors the other day…They remain a mystery, though all the likely sources like planes and military say they aren’t responsible . Is it natural gas? Chris Christie running for another donut?  A calamity coming to earth? …booms from aliens? Lots of strange theories abound. And … Read moreRumors and rumbles: What is New Jersey *and many other places* shaking?

It feels like the early 90s all over again, except with a bigger chin

A late night talk show host from NBC bashing NBC as executives work behind the scenes to get rid of him and hire someone else… Leno did it to Letterman in ‘92-’93.. Now he is being forced to take it on the chin himself as he’s being edged out in place of Fallon on the … Read moreIt feels like the early 90s all over again, except with a bigger chin