Police in the UK have allowed rich, famous, politicians, and celebrities, be protected from child sex investigations for decades

It all started with the Jimmy Saville story.. and now …

This is how the UK INDEPENDENT reports it: 

Celebrities and politicians were protected from child sex investigations because hundreds of police intelligence files were kept so secret that investigating officers could not access them, it has been reported

This is the truth that few will report, few want to hear, and few want to think about.

It’s also the truth that needs to be reported, needs to be heard, and not only needs to be thought about but needs to be thoroughly investigated.. 

And while you’re at it, you may want to YouTube and search for CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE and get information on Franklin Cover-up.. It’s not just in the Catholic Church, or the BBC, or in dark places. It’s right in front of us.

Police in the UK have allowed rich, famous, politicians, and celebrities, be protected from child sex investigations for decades