House Passes CISPA By Huge Margin
Also included with the Gizmodo article is a full list of who voted yea House Passes CISPA By Huge Margin
Also included with the Gizmodo article is a full list of who voted yea House Passes CISPA By Huge Margin
FBI releases photos.. Calls the suspects dangerous..
This almost became another Richard Jewell type of issue.. Meet The Two Immigrant Runners Wrongly Fingered As “Possible Suspects” In The Boston Marathon Bombing
Teen: I Am Not the Boston Marathon Bomber – ABC News
Maybe we can tone down these conspiracy theories? Someone who I consider to be very smart just emailed me what she said was a photograph of the dead Newtown Connecticut principal at the Boston Marathon before the bombing happened. The picture is a fraud, a well orchestrated fraud, and a lot of gullible people will … Read moreHey everybody
Earth is looking less and less like a special place and more like there’s Earth-like things everywhere Kepler scientist Tom Barclay
We’re on shaky ground.. A person is in the hospital after a sinkhole opened in Chicago in the early AM hours and quickly grew. Latest reports also indicate there are three cars already swallowed up by it..
The big Texas explosion at the fertilizer plant actually registered as an earthquake.. While no cause of the explosion has yet been reported, some are already comparing the explosion to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing or to occurrences in Iraq.. The dead and injured are being counted in West, Texas today. And grim numbers are … Read moreBeware Ares
Bet you didn’t know: we are sending 200 troops to Jordan. Also bet you didn’t know: The number of troops could rise to 20,000! And now on to sports and weather! 200 U.S. soldiers to Jordan could jump to 20,000
nbcnews: ‘The whole street is gone’: Bloodied eyewitnesses describe Texas explosion horror (Photo: Rod Aydelotte / AP) Shocked eyewitnesses have told of the overwhelming power of the Texas fertilizer plant explosion and expressed fears that there could be many fatalities in the small town that was rocked by the blast. “The school’s gone, the apartments are gone,” a … Read more