Waterloo in Watertown..

It was a unbelievable day of news.. it was beyond wild.. beyond odd and strange.. beyond fortean.

Entire towns were locked down. Almost an entire state stayed indoors.

But I end with this until I post again tomorrow:  Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev  was not read his Miranda Rights. There was a public safety exception invoked. 

This will now be a debated point of contention.. we will hear a lot about it. Maybe.

Or maybe not.

Maybe we won’t care.. 

But if we don’t care, what does that say?
ABC news reports:

A senior Justice Department official told ABC News that federal law enforcement officials are invoking the public safety exception to the Miranda rights, so that Tsarnaev will be questioned immediately without having Miranda rights issued to him.
The federal government’s high value detainee interrogation group will be responsible for questioning him.
The Miranda exemption exists to protect the public safety from another attack, according to the official.

May everyone have a safe evening, what’s left of it. 
An ordeal is over.
But what ordeal is next..?