Ham and Bean’s big day out at the Jersey Shore. Bean couldn’t get a touchdown, but Ham nailed it on the first try. And he got to take home the prize..
Day: May 28, 2013
Gooey Louie
The FBI investigated LOUIE LOUIE lyrics for two years in the 1960s.. and it all started because of a Florida teenager’s letter to Robert Kennedy stating that the lyrics were obscene.. The teacher got the lyrics wrong. The FBI never questioned the maker of the song to see what the actual words of the song … Read moreGooey Louie
U.S. Military ‘Power Grab’ Goes Into Effect
Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’ If you were paying attention to Coal Speaker a few days back you’ll already know this. But hopefully will not be unphased by the possibilities of what this means … U.S. Military ‘Power Grab’ Goes Into Effect
Moss reanimates 400 years after deep freeze.. .. but would Moss Man reanimate after 20 years?
Why New Zealand?
A tool called ThinThread, a US spy device, has reportedly been tested on the public of New Zealand.. A spy expert told the NEW ZEALAND HERALD this information.. the Prime Minister and other officials that could potentially be involved with this issue have not made public comment and refuse to speak to the HERALD about the … Read moreWhy New Zealand?
You are looking at a coronal hole. According to Solar Ham, it is rotating to be directly aligned with earth around May 31. MORE HERE
Amazing story from China: Baby rescued from toilet pipe after being flushed.. the baby is alive..
Smoke em while you got em: Potentially lethal gamma-ray burst from star WR 104 could reach earth
Earth may lie in the path of a lethal gamma-ray burst that could wipe out a quarter of our atmospheric ozone. This is a serious news story. It’s gone mainstream.. WR 104, a ‘Wolf-Rayet star’ about 8,000 light years away, could go supernova any day now.. Really, ANY DAY NOW. And if it does, rays … Read moreSmoke em while you got em: Potentially lethal gamma-ray burst from star WR 104 could reach earth
People flocking to a tree with a supposed image of the Virgin Mary..
Amazing video: INSIDE a tornado
Amazing video: INSIDE a tornado