Field of screams: Some believe that a ghostly presence made itself known on Tuesday at the College World Series.. according to reports – and video evidence– University of North Carolina players were in the outfield attempting to catch a ball when suddenly two appeared to trip over nothing..Media sources are having fun laughing about the trip up, … Read more

HERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

Fisa court submissions show broad scope of procedures governing NSA’s surveillance of Americans’ communication Normally government dumps info on a Friday. In this case, the government is probably dreading Friday GUARDIAN runs. Each time the information being revealed about the United States spy program becomes more and more interesting.. HERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the … Read moreHERE GOES THE GUARDIAN: Revealed: the top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

Dead bees, drugged Americans, and the misery of stress..

Thousands of dead bees have been found in an Oregon parking lot.. One expert was quoted as saying he never say anything like it.. according to reports, a pesticide called Safari was applied to the area about a week ago. And they still say pesticides don’t cause the bee collapse?? This may be a shock for … Read moreDead bees, drugged Americans, and the misery of stress..

Fireflies and summer nights. . and memories of when they were both magical. Happy solstice.

The solstice.. and the longest day of the year is upon us.   This is something magical about summer nights.. the notion that it doesn’t get dark until 9pm or so in the middle of the summer season adds to the mystery. Also adding to the strange feeling of joy, love, teenage fun, and laughter: … Read moreFireflies and summer nights. . and memories of when they were both magical. Happy solstice.

“I want to look in your eyes, Vlad, Georgie liked you. Didn’t he call you Pootie Poot?” “Oh did I tell you what I have been doing lately? My government can track EVERY phone call ever, and we even tracked Dimitri’s activity a few years ago!” “Oh like YOU never did it, Mr. KGB!” “Hey … Read more