The news that does not matter udpate

ROLLING STONE magazine is defending its placement of a handsome looking Tsarnaev on the cover of its new issue.. I wrote about this yesterday, in part saying the outrage is nonsense and we are further arguing in this nation about things that don’t matter. This ROLLING STONE issue makes that point–with even CVS an other retailers saying it is going to ban the magazine from being sold in its stores! We continue to be victims of some pretty high rolling mind games. Take a peek outside your box, America.. there’s more to every story.
Speaking of debating about things that do not matter:
Jenny McCarthy tapped to co-host THE VIEW.. outrage now due to her critical comments about vaccines causing autism.. Yet again, proof Americans get outraged and angry about things that do not matter one hill of beans. At all.. No matter WHAT she thinks about anything.. that is the purpose. She is supposed to be controversial. This is for ratings. Americans who are outraged by this: YOU ARE BEING PLAYED, good.