I saw your anti joe biden propodanga and you are probably bought off by the coal industry judging from your name. You suck

I assume you meant this: http://www.coalspeaker.com/post/58326749143/bad-form-while-egypt-retreats-into-horrific

I suppose it roiled your political loins. 

This is a reason I tend to keep clear of politics as of late.. But no, I am not ‘bought off’ by a coal industry, or even the oil industry. As a matter of fact, the only purpose of “COAL SPEAKING” is because I am from the late and once great Coal Region of PA – the land that was raped and pillaged by coal barons.. now does that sound like the coal industry purchased air time with me??

Nonetheless, I also have mocked John McCain, Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and of course Chris Krispie and his Jersey Bum. 

And Jumpin’ Joe Biden.

Thanks for noticing Biden with camels, though. I hope you also noticed Egypt is beyond turmoil at this point and the Administration has, well, not much done a thing to help the situation–despite a peace prize that is on display somewhere in the White House.

That’s it for tonight’s political statement..