ESQUIRE magazine has done a profile on Alex Jones. It’s very interesting.. 

This is actually how ALEX JONES himself portrayed the article on Facebook:

Esquire Publishes Shockingly Fair Profile of Alex Jones – Esquire Magazine has broken ranks with the majority of the biased mainstream media by writing a shockingly fair and at times warm and humorous profile of Alex Jones

While the image of Jones chosen to head the article is less than pleasant, and actually typical of a cover of a gory horror film, the story itself presents a balanced and readable profile of the character that America is slowly getting to know.

Matt Drudge said on twitter as 2013 began that this will be Alex Jones’ year. So far it actually has been. INFOWARS has broken stories, been the topic of conversation far and wide,  and the Piers Morgan show with Jones became the most watched Piers Morgan show.. 

Why ?

Because we all love or hate Alex Jones. He is the Rush Limbaugh of the 21st century–louder, angrier, and less likely to bash only Democrats but equally blame Republicans for heinous acts like inside jobs on 9/11 and flu pandemics on purpose.

So far this has been the year of Alex Jones.

This Esquire article proves that..