Where the lonely people in New York City go after they die..

What happens when a homeland New Yorker dies? SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE writes about Hart Island, a place you never want to be ..  Hart Island is 131 acres and has been uninhabited for years.. It’s on the Western Part of Long Island. And since 1869, the location has been used as a burial grounds for those … Read moreWhere the lonely people in New York City go after they die..

Famous paintings are turning black.. and it’s being blamed on mercury..Apparently elemental mercury, which forms under exposure to light and chlorine ions in the air, degrades paintings.. and some famous images painted by famed men of the past, are turning black..

The Quiet Zone in West Virginia–where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..

There are no physical signs you’ve entered the National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square-mile area that covers the eastern half of West Virginia. Interesting.. There is a lot  of ‘noise’ .. but real and white noise. Sometimes you can almost feel the electronic bursts of WIFI and cell towers flowing through your body like a … Read moreThe Quiet Zone in West Virginia–where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..