Obama summons conservative columnists to the White House, including Krauthammer, Costa, Gigot, Parker, York.. Absent were people that readers actually read..
Obama summons conservative columnists to the White House, including Krauthammer, Costa, Gigot, Parker, York.. Absent were people that readers actually read..
What happens when a homeland New Yorker dies? SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE writes about Hart Island, a place you never want to be .. Hart Island is 131 acres and has been uninhabited for years.. It’s on the Western Part of Long Island. And since 1869, the location has been used as a burial grounds for those … Read moreWhere the lonely people in New York City go after they die..
You are reading that headline right. She was arrested–not told to stop, not removed–but arrested at the public event for heckling the President of McDonalds. Even people who heckle the president don’t get arrested..that’s president of the United States. McDonald’s worker arrested after telling company president she can’t afford shoes
Famous paintings are turning black.. and it’s being blamed on mercury..Apparently elemental mercury, which forms under exposure to light and chlorine ions in the air, degrades paintings.. and some famous images painted by famed men of the past, are turning black..
Pentagon Withholding Death Benefits for Fallen Soldiers’ Families
No, this is not Newt Gingrich in drag. It’s Janet Yellen. And yes, she’s a woman. Expect to see her face a lot more from now one. Give em’ Yellen: Janet Yellen about to take over the Federal Reserve. Evans Pritchard writes: “The Fed will be looser for longer. The FOMC will continue to print … Read more
There are no physical signs you’ve entered the National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square-mile area that covers the eastern half of West Virginia. Interesting.. There is a lot of ‘noise’ .. but real and white noise. Sometimes you can almost feel the electronic bursts of WIFI and cell towers flowing through your body like a … Read moreThe Quiet Zone in West Virginia–where cell phones and WIFI are nonexistent for 13,000 square miles..
APEC 2013: All the world’s leaders gather for a picture. Oh, and John Kerry..
Some days start beautiful..
A late night.. Nights like this, grateful for Art Bell’s DARK MATTER..