Underreporting and just plain bad reporting in 2013

The most under-reported story of 2013
Washington DC and the media was in a tizzy when, during the autumn government shutdown, there were reports of a ‘shooting’ in the nation’s capitol. The media picked the story and ran with it, alleging that a shooter was in the US Capitol building and that cops were down. It turned out that a woman named Miriam Carey was in a car, supposedly ran a barricade, and was chased by cops. They cornered her, and then shot and killed her without attempting to arrest her–afterwards Congress applauded the murder on the floor of the House. Late this year, it was somewhat determined that there really was no need to kill Carey. The amazing part to grasp is that an unarmed African American woman with a child in the back seat of her car was shot dead without just cause. And no civil rights leaders spoke out? No one spoke out? Instead, we as a nation applauded the verdict rendered without due process and went about business as though it never happened.