A page turner: The calender changing.


The last day unlucky 13..

You have heard enough of the year in review laments by now.. the best and worst.. the nice and bad.. 

It is interesting that we do this, too.. That one day, New Years day, can mean so much of a difference to us.. 

The most meaningless place I think you can be tonight is a dive bar.. cowered in the smoky corner –wait can you still smoke in them!?–listening to some awful band try to recreate magic from 1970s tunes… After the party streamers and noise makers get thrown to the side, you’re still in a dive bar. You’re still in a bad place for your spirit and soul. Believe me, I spent some New Years in dive bars. One in particular when I was in my early 20s and either had too much to drink or got sick from the buffet turkey meat that they served at midnight.. 
Tonight my new years will be quiet.. My wife and I have dinner tonight at one of the most wonderful restaurants in the world, Martin’s in Hazleton, PA.. After that we will come back home and relieve our babysitter of her duty of watching Ayden watch Woody Woodpecker on Netflix. And then watch a new years eve rock without Dick Clark but with Ryan Seacreast. At 11:59 Seacrest will announce ‘13 out’ and we will sing, dance, and kiss our loved ones as the manmade calender switches to a new digit..

And that is how we do it, here on earth. For those keeping track in space above… we celebrate a year that was and make promises to ourselves for the next. And yes, by February those promises are long gone memories .. sometimes by January 2 they are, as a matter of fact.. 

For the first time, this year, I plan on resolving a few things.. A personal set of mental ailments and roadblocks that have hindered my advancement as a human for a long time… those I want to rid myself of. I am going to attempt to have a clean slate.. and attempt to forge a new path of hope and change. No, I am not running for president. Instead, I am attempting to succeed in this world, change some lives for the better, and add love instead of hate to a planet that is filled with the noise of evil …even though it’s overrun by the quiet of purity and morality. 

I hope you stick to your resolution, whatever you choose for it to be.