30,000 students homeless in Washington state
30,000 students homeless in Washington state
30,000 students homeless in Washington state
Navy sailors suffering pain and ailments after Fukushima response.. But nothing to fear, Navy sailors.. Apparently smoking is worse than the radiation, so says a FORBES editorial about the disaster.. I am sure the author means well. Right? I’d be interesting how tied in with nuclear energy he is.. Nonetheless, the NOT DANGEROUS radiation will be making it … Read moreWe’re Fukushima-ed
My favorite Facebook weather source, the Weatherboy Weather posted an “OMG” over top of today’s snowstorm forecast.. This is beginning to look like a long duration snow storm set to drop up to 20 inches or more in spots.. prepare now because by Monday all travel may be temporarily grounded.. The other concern may be ice … Read more
A dark horse minus some darkness… Katy Perry edits DARK HORSE video after accusations of blasphemy. A petition was signed by thousands saying that the video was offensive to Muslims. The name of Allah has been removed from the footage.. For those keeping track of the footage removal: The Illuminati messages are still in it..
Armed men take position at two airports in Crimea.. Russians occupy.. Another report says Ukrainians ‘regain’ airports from Russians.. Ukraine claims Russian invasion and asks for United States help.. Ukraine in ‘some sort of chaos’..
This beautiful image comes from CBS 21 in Harrisburg .. it’s the Susquehanna River, obviously iced over from a long winter.. More snow and ice coming Sunday into Monday. The scene may get even colder looking..
I am extremely exited about this.. too cool. M. Night Shyamalan Secretly Directing A New Horror Film!
Just like we need to observe tolerance for the gay and lesbian community, we need to have tolerance for the community of people who hold sincerely held religious belief Michele Bachmann said this about Jan Brewer’s veto of the Arizona anti-gay bill..
My Daily Doodle.. The theory behind it is if there was a doggy day care my dog Mutley, on the right, would be a tremendous animal to deal with.
Heartbreaking photo: Ringling Bros ties baby elephants down for 23 hours to break their spirits..