The weird, wobbly world found by Nasa’s Kepler space telescope
Imagine that perception of time.. The planet discovered by Kepler actually changes seasons BY THE DAY… The weird, wobbly world found by Nasa’s Kepler space telescope
Imagine that perception of time.. The planet discovered by Kepler actually changes seasons BY THE DAY… The weird, wobbly world found by Nasa’s Kepler space telescope
Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. I know, there are politically charged arguments concerning Scalia’s comments.. and lots of left leaning folks are slamming him. *(Just as right leaning ones would … Read moreJustice Antonin Scalia says World War II-style internment camps could happen again
This is horrifying… Child attempts suicide after being bullied at school for being a fan of My Little Pony
My son noticed the H was written in the sky for him today, so how will I explain these chemtrails to him one day?
After the snow today my mailbox began reminding me of Bruno Mars. Every time I shoveled I was humming Runaway Baby
This is a fascinating story from WHO FORTED: Paranormal past: Austin PA had a big flood in 1911. The town was stalked for a year prior by a strange man in black .. even newspapers covered the “ghost story from Austin” ..
Mila Kunis is the new face of Jim Beam. And no matter what you think, if you drink a lot of it, you will not get women who look like Mila Kunis. But you certainly may get those who look like Meg.. Second thought.. maybe you will get Mila, too?