Wall Street JOURNAL: Storms trigger rash of cabin fever

As said yesterday.. I began feeling like Jack Torrance. Thankfully roads got cleared in time to make a grocery store run. It felt amazing to pay too much for groceries just because I was out. I think there are times that some people impose cabin fever on themselves. There seems to be this thought, every … Read moreWall Street JOURNAL: Storms trigger rash of cabin fever

This is not the way everyone wants to start a Sunday, but here you go: Miley Cyrus’ new BANGERZ TOUR starting off with a large hot dog and lots of crotch grabbing..  I did read one news account that isn’t as kind to Miley as some others: “Miley Cyrus: From Foam finger to laughing stock..”

The cross country Satanist murders… This is a disturbing story (too close to my own home base as well for my comfort) .. Nineteen-year-old Satanist Miranda Barbour said she and her 22-year-old husband killed a man in Port Treverton, PA in a sadistic way.. She also just gave an interview to the local newspaper, the DAILY … Read more

This Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain

Imagine someone downloading your entire brain onto a USB stick, or whatever future storage device is thought up.. I guess there would be good aspects to this ability.. But come on, folks, this is pretty freaky for the future.  Now to be honest, I’d love to opportunity to be able to download the previous night’s … Read moreThis Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain