The pink stars thankfully are not falling. Or are they?

A massive asteroid, the size of three football fields, is flying by earth today. And thankfully: Safely. The asteroid is 2000 EM26. You can watch the Slooh webcast starting at 9pm EDT on February 17 2014 … It will be 2.1million miles away (pretty close in space terms, right?) The GUARDIAN reports this: But it … Read moreThe pink stars thankfully are not falling. Or are they?

Exorcisms that make you go ‘hmmmm’

We have been following the Latoya Ammons exorcism case (and subsequent movie deal that Father Maginot made with the makers of the CONJURING) ..  Now this: A Catholic columnist reported that he got a statement from the Diocese of Gary. The spokeswoman called the event a “media fiasco.” Read the full statement here.. I think … Read moreExorcisms that make you go ‘hmmmm’

Which is Worse: A Bath Salt Epidemic or a Zombie Outbreak?

This Florida online paper perfectly sums up the horror that is drugs, particularly bath salts, in the once great coal region of Pennsylvania ..This is a great article, written from looking in from the outside. Dennis Maley, the author,  grew up in Schuylkill County PA, or as residents term it the “skook” .. He penned … Read moreWhich is Worse: A Bath Salt Epidemic or a Zombie Outbreak?

The bees and the brain…

A new study has been released linking autism and other disorders of the brain to chemicals..  According to the data, industrial chemicals has risen over the past 7 years and can be tied in with autism..  The LANCET NEUROLOGY journal–which is a peer reviewed and high respected publication. Among the chemicals cited: Chlorpyrifos, Tetrachloroethylene, lead, … Read moreThe bees and the brain…

First in a new series I plan on doing: My daily doodle. For the initial piece of awful art: a potty chair filled with excrement! Ayden had his first full weekend of 100% success in the potty training department. He had help from a TV, and a mean Skeletor bobble head that sat next to … Read more

Hell and horror in North Korea

This is the state of horror in the world–the real kind..  There is testimony from behind the cell walls of prison camps in North Korea. CNN reports this: “A North Korean prison camp survivor told of a pregnant woman in a condition of near-starvation who gave birth to a baby – a new life born … Read moreHell and horror in North Korea

Yes winter will be over soon. What will you complain about then?

I took note this morning, despite the frigid air and snow covered ground, there are birds again. They are flying.. they are chirping.. they are looking for food. They are coming back. Yes, indeed.. spring will spring.And with it comes severe weather, the risk of tornadoes destroying homes, hurricane season, El Nino, record heat, misery, … Read moreYes winter will be over soon. What will you complain about then?