Mass. High Court: Subway Upskirt Photos Not Illegal!



Ok.. I get the first amendment.. I get it. But upskirt photos? I also get common sense. And I sense this is a bad decision..

Yeah, I know the law can be subtle, but if upskirt photos are legal, so is taking a photo of a woman’s cleavage or up her nose or of the contents of her pockets or handbag. To me, all of these things seem like they should be considered harassment, aka something illegal.

You have a point, this is a tough one.

I guess it comes down to what is ‘off limits’ when it comes to the public. In a sense, I’d say if you bare your breasts in public or allow cleavage to be shown, you’re aware that it’s in the public domain. But the hidden areas should not be in the public domain. Or the pubic domain…

Mass. High Court: Subway Upskirt Photos Not Illegal!