Another Sunday down..
The internet, simply being what it is, is still a wild west of sorts.. maybe now there are more names and less anonymity.. perhaps more privacy shedding has allowed for an interface of all seeing–or preying eyes–on our every movement.. But it is still filled with odd and sometimes downright frightening fads.
There is something very raw about the death of a human .. Very emotional, very real. When you’re up close, often in the presence of someone who lose the final battle to whatever ailment or frailty making the suffer, the heavy weight is apparent.. Even those who don’t subscribe to a higher power battle deep questions within.. I think we all wish the soul travels to a better place. Some of us have faith that it does. Others don’t. The rest of us simply don’t know–even though we read warnings that the light is trick and trap, we all tend to gravitate towards it anyway, according to accounts of near death activities..
Read moreThe near death experience: When we don’t want to go
There is a really interesting documentary on VIMEO I watched called CALLING EARTH.. it’s a rough cut documentary about after death communication with the living.. And it’s worth a watch.
Read moreGetting off his train: The after death communication
A man who jumped the fence at the White House late Friday made it through the North Portico doors into the building before he was captured, Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary told CNN.
Read moreThe White House wasn’t down. But someone allowed a fence jumper get way too far