The near death experience: When we don’t want to go

There is something very raw about the death of a human .. Very emotional, very real. When you’re up close, often in the presence of someone who lose the final battle to whatever ailment or frailty making the suffer, the heavy weight is apparent.. Even those who don’t subscribe to a higher power battle deep questions within.. I think we all wish the soul travels to a better place. Some of us have faith that it does. Others don’t. The rest of us simply don’t know–even though we read warnings that the light is  trick and trap, we all tend to gravitate towards it anyway, according to accounts of near death activities..

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Phantom booms: Those menacing noises in your head

Almost a year ago now, I was walking Mutley the dog .. it was a bright December morning, before all of those snowstorms of the winter time struck. We were in the middle no where–on a long path on a mountain. Suddenly, out of no where, I heard a loud shot gun like noise.. It sounded like it was right next to my head. The odd part of the circumstance was the fact that my dog–who barks at pins dropping–didn’t flinch an eye. Instead he acted as though he did not hear anything at all..

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