Fear vs fear: All are near

Additive found soap, toothpaste and shampoo is linked to cancer »

Alright.. let me level with everyone. I am a germaphobe. But I am also a hypochondriac. So on any given day at any given  time I fear germs, but also think I will get some form of obscure cancer..I feel very bad for people who live with me.

That said, this story is detrimental to my mental security! The prospects of something that I worship, the antibacterial soaps of all kinds, giving me cancer of the liver!?

The fear I have of each has suddenly skyrocketed.. my mind is perplexed by which is the greater fear—the biggest of the two should be the guiding light for the rest of my life, right?

The other part that may be fascinating.. Antibacterial soap, for all the worship veneration occurred, may not work anyway!

The DAILY MAIL report says,

 One basic problem is that antibacterial soaps specifically target bacteria rather than viruses. But it is viruses that cause the majority of illnesses, such as colds and flu.

The most effective scientifically proven way to keep bacteria at bay is regular hand-washing with ordinary soap, along with good food hygiene in the kitchen.

Antibacterial soaps may actually cause health problems, too. 

Evidence shows children with prolonged exposure to triclosan over months or years have a greater chance of developing allergies, including peanut allergies and hay fever, according to studies in the Journal of Allergy And Clinical Immunology in 2012, and in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2011.

This may be due to the fact that youngsters who use antibacterial soaps and cleansers reduce their exposure to bacteria. 

So there you go..there I go.. What to do?
Throw away the soap? Start cleaning with just baking soda.

I will be honest though. I have been aware of this constant underbelly of research—bacteria soap problems. But I continued to somehow see the word ‘antibacterial’ and bought in to the lie.. Hook, line and sinker.. Now the newest reports of this issue come from the mainstream media.. headlines that hand soap, toothpaste and shampoo may not be our friends..

Do you know your enemy?
Maybe you do.. it’s being rubbed on your body each and every day//