The sky is falling. Or changing.

I wrote what one of my friends called the weirdest of all posts yet the other day here concerning how, well.. I think the sun’s angle in the sky is changing compared to this month other times in the past. I understand this sounds loony.. I get that is also is illogical. But at the same time, photographs prove to me that something is different.. 

I note this previous post from days ago only because I received what I felt to be an interesting comment on the story.. The screen cap here:

I ask you only to add this to your already steady diet of lunacy. Watch the videos.. discern for yourselves. I am humble enough to know I should not comment much on things that I can be proven very wrong about. And this issue is one of them.. You can watch the videos yourselves and check out the links included.

I just know this: The sunset last year at this time is not where it is this year. 

That much I know.