2014 was a year filled with useless division, angry rhetoric, and faceless villains. Ferguson’s anger boiled over into other cities.. The death of the ‘gentle giant’ in the city may be a blip in history, or perhaps a bigger event that marked a change in race relations in the United States. But there’s something bigger of a story, it’s not Ferguson or the New York City protests or cop killings, it’s this: Media conglomerates and others ‘in the know’ were doing their best to keep the United States divided as much as possible throughout the entire year. With every single passing event, CNN and others snooze networks went wall to wall with 20th century relics talking about 20th century racial divisions. That’s not to say that the 21st century doesn’t have problems, but they are not the same as the previous. The insult on the American people is being force fed the same diatribe of hate from those who claim to want peace and love.
There is a real division in the United States. The 1% are completely isolated and divided from the rest of us. And all of us, the 99%, are in the same boat together. Now if only the media would report that, we’d come together in unification like never before..