Tonight’s cook off! Tara’s baked ziti vs my chick pea cakes! French fries and pizza for Ayden.
Day: January 4, 2015
Tonight’s cook off! Tara’s baked ziti vs my chick pea cakes! French fries and pizza for Ayden.
Cooking with Johnny 5
There is quite a bit of strange and goofy stuff on YouTube. People diving off of roofs, Scarlet taking a tumble.. news goof clips from 2014 and the best of the ice bucket challenge gone wrong. A decade of YouTube has clearly showcased some of the most creative of human beings, and the flipside of humanity: … Read moreCooking with Johnny 5
Night fevers
…what always the spike of a fever at night? The endless horror at 3am when the temperature reads well above 102 degrees on a child? It is beyond nerve wracking. I know, the experts say the fever is a sign the body is working. That’s well and good. Except when parental fears get into the … Read moreNight fevers
Prince Andrew may have been secretly filmed with underage girl he is alleged to have abused
Prince Andrew may have been secretly filmed with underage girl he is alleged to have abused