A new study from reputable sources claims that the SUN may actually predict how long a person lives

Causation or correlation?

I am sure there are people who are surprised to see such astrology making the rounds in real news sources today.. but this study seems to confirm long held worship of the giant orange ball in the sky..

But think about the actual results. . In a way, they make perfect sense. 

Everything is connected.. we all are, too..

Looks like I have five years less.. 1980 was a big year for solar flares. 

In an unusual study, Norwegian scientists claim people born during periods of solar calm may live longer around five years longer than those born when the sun is feisty. Pictured is Nasa data on peak levels of solar activity - indicated by higher levels of sunspots - from 1750 to 2014

A new study from reputable sources claims that the SUN may actually predict how long a person lives