China is going to build a $242 billion (1.5 trillion yuan) high-speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow. The line will cut the journey time from five to ‘two days’, say Chinese authorities.

This is amazing news… and it should have been something America did first.. I long thought that one of the best initiatives President Obama could have done immediately in 2009 was to plan for a comprehensive high speed railway across the nation–a new Interstate system al-la- Eisenhower..  It could have changed America. Revolutionized travel.. Ate … Read moreChina is going to build a $242 billion (1.5 trillion yuan) high-speed rail link between Beijing and Moscow. The line will cut the journey time from five to ‘two days’, say Chinese authorities.

Of Doomsdays and Clocks

The world is going to now witness a stream of media attention about the Doomsday Clock it wasn’t changed snice 2012 until today it was five minutes until midnight it has been pushed to three minutes until midnight with today’s announcement Perhaps if the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists REALLY wants to get some attention, they’d … Read moreOf Doomsdays and Clocks