A DEVELOPING STORY.. THE ARTICLES THUS FAR.. HEBDO SUSPECTS CORNERED HOLDING HOSTAGE WANT ‘TO DIE AS MARTYRS’ Second Hostage Situation at Kosher Market in Paris… 2 intense standoffs in France French Police Surround Terrorist Suspects at Industrial Park Live: Hostage fears as Charlie Hebdo killing suspects holed up in building Fear, paranoia in wooded area … Read moreCHARLIE HEBDO TERROR LATEST: PARIS STANDOFFS

The two suspects in the Charlie Hebdo attack spoke to police by phone and said they wanted to die as martyrs, French lawmaker Yves Albarello told a TV station. CNN news alert

Let’s go to space and let the robots on earth.

Standoffs and terror.. hate and greed. The world seems surrounded in a shroud of darkness. I so often try to stay positive, look at the brighter side of life and see the forest from the trees.. but the forest these days seems extra dim and those once tall standing trees appear to have a slight … Read moreLet’s go to space and let the robots on earth.

Dad’s Strange Behavior Unsettled Some Before Child’s Killing

Hours before John Jonchuck Jr. allegedly threw his 5-year-old daughter off a Florida bridge, he called his lawyer “God” and asked her to read from a Bible written in Swedish Strange or not strnage, what Jonchuck did to his daughter is reprehensible.. NBC NEWS reports,  The 11 a.m. Wednesday encounter in Tampa was so disturbing … Read moreDad’s Strange Behavior Unsettled Some Before Child’s Killing