I tend to avoid pop culture.. When the story of ‘the dress’ came up, I figured it was some illumanti ploy to divert our attention from something. But I figured to myself, the pictures of the now famed ‘dress’ are just being manipulated to further cause debate online. I propose this very theory to my wife tonight.. I said, “Tara, the dresses being posted are all different colors.” I figured I was right.. then she asked me, “well what color is the dress,” as she showed me a photo. I said, “Black and blue!” … A fierce debate ensued. Even my four-year-old Ayden got involved–though he said it was purple, I chalked that up to him being much closer than what Tara thought, white and gold..

So 48 hours of trying to avoid this, and now like millions of others in the masses, I am fascinated by the dress debate.

Also even more fascinated that one dress, one little post on a rarely known TUMBLR site, can cause a debate the ENTIRE WORLD gets busy with.. (While the world burns) .. 

BUT.. the consolation prize to those seeing other colors than blue and black: COLORS AREN’T REAL ANYWAY.