China is building a list and hacking it twice

Gonna find out who’s clearances are nice..
New World Order is coming to town.

Cyberattack compromises government workers »

This is a big deal:  Four million current and former federal employees may have had their personal information hacked, the Office of Personnel Management said on Thursday…

The government is saying tonight that his may be the biggest breach of government computers to date.

Personnel Management is urging potential victims to monitor their financial statements and obtain new credit reports ..

This is where things start getting creepy..

CNN is reporting this:
American investigators believe they can trace the breach to the Chinese government. Hackers working for the Chinese military are believed to be compiling a massive database of Americans, intelligence officials told CNN on Thursday night.

It is not clear what the purpose of the database is.

Employees of the legislative and judicial branches, and uniformed military personnel, were not affected.

There are currently 2.7 million federal executive branch employees – it’s unclear if this affected every single one (plus former employees), or only a portion.

A database…being put together by China.. just as the Obama Administration is set to hand even more private data over to China and other states with a secret trade agreement that the world only is able to read thanks to Wikileaks..
Things indeed are awry..

This is also the agency that handles security clearances.. And now names are known.