Art Bell about to rock the midnight hour

It’s just about here..
Art Bell’s high jump back into the thick of paranormal radio, both terrestrial and non, is about ready to occur.

On July 20, 2015, Bell returns to the DARK MATTER RADIO NETWORK with his program MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT.  There are a number of guests from past programs who undoubtedly will make a return to the new show. Already being announced: Linda  Moulton Howe will join Bell to discuss the video of what appears to be UFOs leaving the planet earth before NASA quickly cut off the video feed…

The show is giving users the chance to sign up for a $5 a month charge to hear past programs. You can do so here:

The actual show will be free while it’s live, and there will also be a number of chances across America to hear Bell on terrestrial radio stations. The ‘time traveler’ option gives people a shot of downloading the podcast of the show afterwards–after Richard C. Hoagland of course performs his best on THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT, airing directly after Bell on the DARK MATTER network..

The pay plan offers the following:

LIVE: Now of course you can listen to Art Bell for FREE during the LIVE broadcast of the show, at 9pm Pacific / Midnight Eastern. However….

Archives: You can join the Time Travelers and travel back to listen to Art’s archived shows the next morning or on the weekend. You can stream them right from the membership area, or download them into your podcast player.

Wormhole: You can also travel forward and send messages through the Wormhole into the future directly to Art during the LIVE show. For only $5 a month. Right now you can sign up early and you won’t pay again until 30 days after the start of the show.

This show promises to be different in a number of ways from the 2013 brief stint on SIRIUS XM.  This seems to be the method Bell perhaps should have chosen instead of the highly expensive Sirius delivery method–one that ended up being directly opposed to what Bell wanted to do, offer a FREE live stream of the program on his site. This go around, Bell and Keith Rowland have seemingly come up with a ground-level-built product for consumption, featuring the Best of Art Bell’s music choices and some old friends and most likely new faces. Bell has publicly said this time he wants to have fun. Who can blame a man at 70, just wanting to do radio as he loves?

There are also some major chances that Bell could swipe back some of the fans who have become disillusioned by Coast to Coast AM.. And also gain a new host? It goes without saying that rumors are abounding that Noory could lose one last relic of the Art Bell days. More on that when–and if–it develops..

In the mean time, for the Bell fans of the past and those who have become new ones, July is a new day for radio. Online. And offline.
Turn down your radio, or your Skype, and be a time traveler who travels. Night owl sanity depends on it..