Avoid the DAD BOD or embrace it?

New research by scientists at Northwestern University in the US followed 10,000 males from the age of 12 until 32. Over this time, the men who had children gained weight – an average of 4lbs – whereas the men who remained childless actually lost 1.4lbs. One of the most notable facts: the men who become “resident fathers” grew 2.6% fatter than fathers who scarpered. »

As a father myself I get this and believe it..

I gained some weight not only during my wife’s pregnancy but also in the post baby days. My entire body chemistry changed for about two years until I stopped recognizing myself in a mirror..

A diet change and exercise occurred but now as my son develops his love of Zebra Cakes and other little nuggets of sugar, I find myself fighting hard to stick with vegetables and nuts…

I want to avoid the ‘dad bod’ not only for my own health but also for my son’s future and to be there for him..