Art Bell fans are about to light up in rage, anger, sadness, grief, and whatever mixture of emotions they could conjure at the latest Facebook post from the talk show host: He quits.

From Bell,

I am sorry to have to announce this but I will not be on Tonight or any other night, yes I am going to hang it up. Whoever this crazy person is, they are not stopping and it has come to the point that we as a Family do not feel it is worth the risk. While I think the person or persons are after me, my Wife and now my Daughter are really scared, the other night after the latest incident my Daughter was off in the corner of her bed scared to death as the Police cars came screaming up. I will not put my Family through this. As you all know I dearly love what I do but not at the expense of never ending Terrorism. I want to thank those of you who have shown so much support and it has been my joy, short as it has been to have cracked that Mic open for a last time. This was a Family decision. The girls stuck with me and still would but if one of them were harmed because of what I love doing my life would be over.


This message comes after a series of threatening encounters with an unknown man popping shots onto Bell’s property.

The HORROR REPORT has followed this story as it developed..
And now tonight, this Friday which would normally be reserved for open lines, is going to be without Art Bell. In his place: His producer Heather Wade..

There will be a live show Tonight and while I know people hate change, Heather my Producer has decided to give tonight’s show a try! I would ask that you give her a fair listen before you decide thumbs up or down. She is really really good at what she does.


And with that.. a whimper and not a bang, the MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT program is done. Short lived.. very popular–big stations picked him up and even Clyde Lewis got bumped down from 5 hours to 3.. Coast to Coast AM, though seemingly the weak contender, wins by default..
The Art Bell generation is aging and the new crowd that was introduced to his show over the past few months have suddenly lost a new favorite.

MIDNIGHT riders unite.. this is one sad night.

As ‘Rick Deckard’ on BELLGAB writes tonight,

Damn. Looks like I’ll be going to sleep while listening to Art Bell reruns… forever.

So long, Art Bell. You’re much loved and will be much missed.

Stay safe. Stay happy. And enjoy your family.

Merry Christmas.

There are some Facebook fans calling Bell to task tonight over the allegations that shootings have occurred on his property. One poster wrote, ” On /r/artbell (reddit) they are saying there is no proof of any of these shooting incidents. No police reports, nothing.
I am a huge fan, have been since ’95. I am disappointed with this announcement.
Can you explain why you made no police reports about these incidents?”  Bell responded directly, saying, “I did, several times at the Nye County Sheriff Dept.” 


Another message from Bell posted after the original two talks about refunds for subscribers,

Midnight in the Desert

So, I made my decision after my Wife told me about my Daughter today. She was really scared.

Everybody who wants refunds will get them.

Heather will do a show Tonight with I think a Time Traveler.

Perhaps I will come and do a random show when Heather needs a break if you give her a chance. I just can not keep a routine that puts my Family in danger.
