inothernews: CBS News is just one media outlet choosing to show the defiant cover of the new, post-massacre issue of Charlie Hebdo, which features a caricature of the prophet Mohammed shedding a tear under the headline “All Is Forgiven” and holding a sign which says “I Am Charlie.” They are just one.And not enough others … Read more

inothernews: CBS News is just one media outlet choosing to show the defiant cover of the new, post-massacre issue of Charlie Hebdo, which features a caricature of the prophet Mohammed shedding a tear under the headline “All Is Forgiven” and holding a sign which says “I Am Charlie.” They are just one.And not enough others … Read more

SHAKING. RATTLING. ROLLING. Linda Moulton Howe is thankfully on the case of why the entire country seems to be booming and shaking

More shaking being reported in Rhode Island.. And Connecticut gets its 9TH EARTHQUAKE in just days.. It still feels to me like an inactive fault line has come alive to provide a new generation lots of shaking in a place not equipped to handle it. If a number of fault lines along the East Coast spring to life, buildings have not been made to withstand constant trembles..

Read moreSHAKING. RATTLING. ROLLING. Linda Moulton Howe is thankfully on the case of why the entire country seems to be booming and shaking

If you get the chance, listen to this 11 minute episode from NPR about the plight and story of Martin Pistorius

I have so many emotions running through my head about this young man–an amazing story. He was trapped inside his body for years.. Could not move.. his parents taking care of him, in a monotonous way, for 12 years.. and yet he now is able to speak through technology and a computer, he wrote a … Read moreIf you get the chance, listen to this 11 minute episode from NPR about the plight and story of Martin Pistorius

BPA alternative disrupts normal brain-cell growth, is tied to hyperactivity, study says

The chemical, BPS, is found in many products that bear the “BPA-free” label. Great.. just great.. As hard as it is will be, the main goal in life suddenly seems to be: Just stay away from all plastic. Good luck with that.. BPA alternative disrupts normal brain-cell growth, is tied to hyperactivity, study says

Michael Hoyt, John Boehner plot: FBI says Boehner’s bartender at country club planned to poison him

Let me just say, if you thought 2014 was strange, this years beginning no different… Now we have the speaker of the house’s bartender plotting to kill him because the devil’s making him do it? These headlines read like a strange spy novel, but they’re true I just wonder what the speaker’s drink of choice … Read moreMichael Hoyt, John Boehner plot: FBI says Boehner’s bartender at country club planned to poison him


If you get the chance, listen to this 11 minute episode from NPR about the plight and story of Martin Pistorius » I have so many emotions running through my head about this young man—an amazing story. He was trapped inside his body for years.. Could not move.. his parents taking care of him, in … Read moreTHE PLIGHT OF MARTIN PISTORIUS: THE ENDLESS COMA, AND THEN A MIRACLE. HE WOKE UP