HORROR AND PERISCOPE MERGE! This is the first LIVE PERISCOPE horror movie.. Blumhouse presents ‘FIFTEEN.’ And this, my friends, is the future of horror.. movies.. streamed live. I hope to theaters though eventually. I still enjoy a larger screen for my frightful delights.. This is how THE VERGE described the short SCARE-I-SCOPE:  What’s most clever about … Read more

Now could be a fun time to visit the DESTINATION AMERICA Facebook page..

The amount of comments on various threads about last night’s botched live EXORCISM tells the story.. there is anger, “lols” .. all of the rest. Read away and enjoy this Halloween day: https://www.facebook.com/DestinationAmerica/ I still can’t believe in my right mind that the station billed this for a year, plugged it hardcore for months, and for the … Read moreNow could be a fun time to visit the DESTINATION AMERICA Facebook page..

REVIEW: ‘Exorcism: Live!’ fails to drum up demons

The ST LOUIS dispatch writes the review that I failed to have time to write.. but I concur with the words of Gail Pennington: “What you are about to witness is a live presentation that may contain graphic and disturbing scenes,” Destination America warned. “Our experts are trained professionals equipped to deal with dangerous situations. … Read moreREVIEW: ‘Exorcism: Live!’ fails to drum up demons