New Chile quake: 6.3 magnitude tremor hits off Valparaiso
New Chile quake: 6.3 magnitude tremor hits off Valparaiso
New Chile quake: 6.3 magnitude tremor hits off Valparaiso
Suffer the children, all of the time. Boko Haram Attacks Displaced 1.4 Million Children.. Half a million children have fled attacks in the past five months, says UNICEF.
Dm Pranks is back .. Terrifying Vegas with killer clowns … Good light laughs after the trick is revealed, but the video proves how scary a clown at night could be..
It got there … Chile quake-triggered tsunami waves reach Japan
GOP debate ratings appear to set new CNN record
I’m hopeful that someday soon major news sites will figure out that the deluge of politics in their locations is the most annoying thing ever.. Chile quake anyone? Or will we talk about whether Carly or The Donald are ugly and which one more so? This is going to be a long long season of … Read more
Here’s a bizarre moment from the debate last night .. Jeb Bush wanted to tower above Trump so much he actually stood on his tiptoes for s group shot of the candidates ..
This update from Reuters: “Strong aftershocks rippled through Chile on Thursday after a magnitude 8.3 earthquake that killed at least eight people and slammed powerful waves into coastal towns, forcing more than a million people from their homes.” Powerful quake off Chile slams waves into coastal towns; eight killed | Reuters
M Night gets an unfair shake so many times over.. Even with the VISIT. I saw it and loved it.. But I loved some of the other films people called stinkers. But I do think THE VISIT was just fine, just completely fine. This is a good article about the reason THE VISIT did NOT … Read moreThis is a good article about the reason THE VISIT did NOT suck
The first tsunami waves triggered by a massive 8.3 earthquake have reached Chilean shores, flooding the streets and forcing people to seek shelter on higher ground. Authorities have kept a high alert level in place for most of the coastline. Chile’s coastal city of Coquimbo has been hit by waves measuring up to 4.5 meters … Read moreTSUNAMI IMPACT FELT