The King Henry VIII turkey leg mystery

I am going to add my voice to the countless others already clamoring about King Henry VIII and his famous turkey leg painting that, apparently on this timeline, never was.. A little explanation is in order. I have written countless times about ‘time sips’ and the Mandella Effect here, here, and here, just to name a … Read moreThe King Henry VIII turkey leg mystery

Dateline China:  Fire sends smoke skyward in Tianjin at site of previous explosions Keep in mind, this is the same exact location where the explosion happened. This is a new fire.. From CNN: Fires shot plumes of black smoke into the sky Saturday at the site of a chemical warehouse in Tianjin, China, where explosions … Read more

The heavy wooden doll’s hand: Gravity or demonic possession stuck in a glass case?

The haunted puppet.. but of ANNABELLE or CONJURING style but in real life.. The DAILY MAIL is among the sploids reporting on this paranormal doll, haunted we’re told.. It tried to choke an owner.. it’s been caught MOVING ITS hands inside a sealed glass cage.. Euen McClelland writes: Paranormal Investigator Jayne Harris, 32, from Stourbridge, … Read moreThe heavy wooden doll’s hand: Gravity or demonic possession stuck in a glass case?