Roadside memorials to the dead
I wrote some thoughts down about roadside memorials to the dead.. and their dangers. And the fact that I really don’t want to even have an opinion no them.. Roadside memorials to the dead
I wrote some thoughts down about roadside memorials to the dead.. and their dangers. And the fact that I really don’t want to even have an opinion no them.. Roadside memorials to the dead
This past weekend while my wife and I were driving home from a peaceful family get-together, we saw something that seemingly shocked our normalcy for a bit. A group of people were gathered along side a major highway putting a makeshift memorial together near a tree. A grown man was clutching a child, all the … Read moreRoadside memorials to the dead
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Apparently the kids on the internets decided that Lol was lame enough to stop using it and ‘heheh’ and ‘haha’ were better. Thus the death of LOL Ttyl. LoL is dead
It certainly has broadened the base of those watching the GOP race. And think of this.. The only candidate this far to truly try challenging The Donald is Rand Paul.. And since he decided to do that his polls have been tanking.. Donald Trump Testing Fellow Republican Candidates’ Messaging
More: The girls are each facing one count of attempted first-degree homicide, where they could face up to 65 years in prison if convicted as adults, according to the Associated Press. In the juvenile court system, the girls would only have been held for five years, until they turned 18. Judge Rules Girls in ‘Slender … Read moreJudge Rules Girls in ‘Slender Man’ Case to Be Tried as Adults
Read more here: This is going to have a global effect
A few showed up. Then more.. Then they were facing the family’s front door.. The march of the creepy lawn statues.. A weird tale from the constantly eerie Southern California.. Dozens of ‘Creepy’ Statues Mysteriously Turn Up on SoCal Homeowner’s Lawn
They came.They saw.They dumped toxic sludge by accident and contaminated a river.. and now the water has reached New Mexico communities and they only have a 90 day water supply left.. READ THE WHOLE THING.