The risk of horror movies inspired by true events

Horror movie inspired by real Isla Vista killings sparks outrage, and a petition to stop the release Director Shaun Hart writes, “While I do admit there is the connection of Santa Barbara, this film is not about Elliot Rodger” /// MORE.. 20,000 sign petition to stop release of DEL PLAYA.. This type of event should … Read moreThe risk of horror movies inspired by true events


There are two schools of thought on Pope Francis. In one corner, the hardcore fans who believe he has assumed the right hand of Christ on earth, people who think his lectures about global warning and poverty are long overdue, and that he is a savior of the modern era.. one that will create a … Read moreTHE GREAT POPE-MANICIPATOR


I have long believed that horror movies and professional wrestling are pop cultural examples of any given time or generation.. I have believed that, still do, and will always. As an example, as quick as I can explain, Hulk Hogan was the hero of the 1980s. Pure. Americana.. vitamins. The secrets of the 80s era … Read moreBLOODY MISTAKES

Health non scares and selfish cares

Hypochondria and children.. They don’t mix well. Allow me to explain. I am a paranoid hypochondriac. I have always been a hypochondriac, since childhood when I thought every little thing was wrong with me and fretted endlessly about it.. and then into my teenage years when I held it private so no one would know.. … Read moreHealth non scares and selfish cares

The Iran story you’re not hearing about

Clyde Lewis typically focuses his radio show on the strange and unusual, with a twist. He’ll ignore the tempest in the teapot of daily news, while the rest of his competitors struggle with political implications. And that is often times what makes his show so special–it’s a tribute to creativity and entertainment, with food for … Read moreThe Iran story you’re not hearing about

Of life and death under the shroud of night

The 3am curse occurs again.. Last night, while most of the East Coast was undoubtedly sleeping through a peaceful summer night, I found myself pacing the house around three in the morning—the witching hour I have often written about on this site. While I don’t profess to know why the curse of sleeplessness of night … Read moreOf life and death under the shroud of night