so the big reveal was… pseudo-chat?

notentirely: seriously? this is why @staff took away the ability to comment directly on a post? how about *not* taking away functionality that i used, and i used it a lot (regardless of what @support told @david about it “rarely being used”). how about instead of degrading the service, perhaps choose to *add* to it … Read moreso the big reveal was… pseudo-chat?


There have been varied opinions from a lot of sources.. People confused by the recent missile tests—one Saturday night that lit up the sky over the West Coast and another one yesterday during daytime hours, obviously without the fanfare a night test would bring. The Navy was forced into admitting that they set off a … Read moreTRIDENT AND TRUE: WHAT WAS THAT MISSILE ALL ABOUT ANYWAY?

TRIDENT TRUE: A military war game or a social media flameout?

There have been varied opinions from a lot of sources.. People confused by the recent missile tests—one Saturday night that lit up the sky over the West Coast and another one yesterday during daytime hours, obviously without the fanfare a night test would bring. The Navy was forced into admitting that they set off a … Read moreTRIDENT TRUE: A military war game or a social media flameout?

America and the red cup nation state hate

Every year.. it’s something. This year it’s cups. Cups of coffee from Dunkin feature holiday themes.. Starbucks changed to red but eliminated the ‘joy.’  A crisis has begun.. presidential candidates have put off talking about things that matter and delved deep into this issue.. It’s all the rage to be enraged. From one societal realm … Read moreAmerica and the red cup nation state hate

“Mysterious military maneuvers” and West Coast Lights

Last night was wild.. Images and pictures, Tweets and messages were coming from me from various people along with the West Coast saying to perk up the website a bit for a Saturday night and get reporting on strange lights. I did just as would be expected.. Several articles were posted.. and then the Navy came … Read more“Mysterious military maneuvers” and West Coast Lights

The Navy takes credit for west coast lights 

As the midnight hour arrived on the east coast, the western side of the United States was still busy posting videos and messages on social media about the Saturday night excitement;  a blue light special that found its way zooming over California ..  Tonight the Navy took credit for the light show in the sky.. … Read moreThe Navy takes credit for west coast lights