Before I forget..
Happy Russian Christmas .. (I sang that to the tune of the South Park Christmas song)
Happy Russian Christmas .. (I sang that to the tune of the South Park Christmas song)
It’s really not a new claim.. It’s been around as long as conspiracy lure concerning the Kennedy assassination.. But it’s always interesting to see it splashed again in tabloids with new evidence being offered up that it was the desire to know the truth about space aliens that may have got JFK killed.. ‘New shock … Read more‘New shock claim’ JFK was ‘murdered by CIA’ days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit
The first–and potentially last–selfie of 16.. Enjoy it. You may not get another one. Unless my Abe Lincoln beard grows in.
I am excited! I just found out that the 2013 short film LIGHTS OUT will be a movie coming July of this year! Now they are making a long film about the same story .. it’s in post-production right and currently set for a July 2016 release. And no time better than now to celebrate … Read more
And ….his parents killed them. On that note.. here’s some interesting facts about sea monkeys.
Americans confused about what causes cancer? Should that be confusing to you?
CNN reporting breaking news tonight, North Korea says it has successfully carried out a hydrogen bomb test, which if confirmed, will be a first for the reclusive regime and a significant advancement for its military ambitions. A hydrogen bomb is more powerful than plutonium weapons, which is what North Korea used in its three previous … Read moreNorth Korea nuclear test
The demon next to the baby.. This is going viral.. The very TABLOID UK SUN reports: WHAT should have been a heart-warming experience for expectant parents turned into a chilling moment as a bizarre demon-shaped figure was found lurking in an ultrasound image. The snap has gone viral since it was posted on imgur a … Read more