The express elevator to unhealthiness 

Today while traveling to my job, in the elevator at work, two others were behind me chatting a bit. In quiet confined spaces, you can’t help but overhear their entire conversation.. In this matter it inspired me to get off on a floor and walk the rest of the way. The woman was obviously perspiring … Read moreThe express elevator to unhealthiness 

The Sinbad movie that never existed?

The comedian Sinbad was not in a movie where he played a genie. I am sorry to say.. A few people I talked to remember him fondly being in the movie Shazaam. It came out around the same time as Kazaam with Shaq. And all of that is plain wrong. Shazaam did not exist. Shaq … Read moreThe Sinbad movie that never existed?

Symmetry Icon revisited

A post from last month about a song that never existed, “See you After Babe” by Symmetry Icon (also not existent) is still receiving a notable amount of visits on my site. You can read the original article here.. Over the past month, I have thought about this from time to time.. Tonight, it just … Read moreSymmetry Icon revisited

The Katy Perry conspiracy theory

There is a strange conspiracy theory afoot.. just Google the term “Katy Perry is JonBenet Ramsey.”  I did. And found lots of information that, people online tell me, is compelling enough to believe that the conspiracy is true. The DAILY DOT has the story too, more so not propelling the argument because they believe it’s true … Read moreThe Katy Perry conspiracy theory

Can you hear the sounds of the static noise

Tonight there was a brief snippet on some news station my wife was watching about the strange noises in the sky (or ground) in Oregon as of late. If you haven’t heard or have been under a sheltered rock, Oregon is not the first place where these noises have happened. But somehow, this Oregon screeching … Read moreCan you hear the sounds of the static noise

Kyrie Irving’s ‘bed bugs’ encounter one of many odd incidents at OKC hotel

Kyrie Irving’s ‘bed bugs’ encounter one of many odd incidents at OKC hotel.. But as the legend goes, it is not just bed bugs to be worried about in the Shirvin Hotel Hiton in Oklahoma City. As USA TODAY goes on to report, several other more paranormal events have taken place over the years, giving … Read moreKyrie Irving’s ‘bed bugs’ encounter one of many odd incidents at OKC hotel