scarystoriestouploadinthedark: CUTE SELFIE MOMENT GONE WRONG:…

scarystoriestouploadinthedark: CUTE SELFIE MOMENT GONE WRONG: KILLS BABY DOLPHIN Real news from Buenos Aires.. James Joiner from the DAILY BEAST reporting: Two Franciscana dolphins were ripped from the waves near an Argentinan resort last week, then manhandled to shore, where they were passed around a clutching mob seeking cute selfie moments. In the process, at … Read morescarystoriestouploadinthedark: CUTE SELFIE MOMENT GONE WRONG:…

Ranch owner clarifies how he found Scalia’s body

Ranch owner clarifies how he found Scalia’s body: The weirdness doesn’t end.. The ranch owner, John Poindexter, tried to clarify his comments, telling “CBS This Morning” that Scalia “had a pillow over his head, not over his face as some have been saying. The pillow was against the headboard.” Judge Cinderela Guevara said investigators found … Read moreRanch owner clarifies how he found Scalia’s body