Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?

Atlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?: The summary:  This “hotspot” is due to the faster turnover of water through the Atlantic’s currents as compared to the Pacific, where water can take 200-300 years to make a full circuit from one … Read moreAtlantic Ocean off of the U.S. East Coast Rising 3–4 Times Higher than the Global Average.. beachfront property coming my way?

Radar scans of King Tut’s tomb have revealed two spaces…

Radar scans of King Tut’s tomb have revealed two spaces on the north and east chambers of the pharaonic mausoleum that could contain the “discovery of the century,” Egypt’s antiquities ministry said “It could be the discovery of the century. It’s very important for Egyptian history and the history of the world,” he said, adding … Read moreRadar scans of King Tut’s tomb have revealed two spaces…

One comet to swerve closer to Earth than any other comet in centuries: An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years.

One comet to swerve closer to Earth than any other comet in centuries: An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years.: THIS IS ONE ‘FOR THE RECORD BOOKS,’ experts say.. An emerald-green comet will … Read moreOne comet to swerve closer to Earth than any other comet in centuries: An emerald-green comet will brush the Earth Monday, followed one day later by a kissing cousin that will swerve closer to the planet than any other comet in nearly 250 years.

It’s about to feel like 2000 all over again.John Titor–the…

It’s about to feel like 2000 all over again.John Titor–the real time traveler!?–set for MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT with Heather Wade!?  Remember, TITOR never appeared on BELL’s COAST TO COAST AM, but was active in the AOL chat rooms of the early 20th century.. now 16 years later–and lots of time gone on–Heather Wade is … Read moreIt’s about to feel like 2000 all over again.John Titor–the…