FLASHBACK: Brussels Ridiculed Idea Of Islamic Violence In Ad
FLASHBACK: Brussels Ridiculed Idea Of Islamic Violence In Ad
FLASHBACK: Brussels Ridiculed Idea Of Islamic Violence In Ad
“I saw blood everywhere where was a man whose chest was completely open. He had no more legs. Next to him a second man with no head whose body was shaking. Glass everywhere.” – Kallouchi Mohammed, 28, works at cafe inside the Brussels airport Eyewitnesses to Brussels terror, in their own words Terrorists strike the … Read more“I saw blood everywhere where was a man whose chest was completely open. He had no more legs. Next to…”
A wild day in newsrooms across the world.. This image is being shown on various agencies of the purported terrorists from the vantage point of leaked CCTV.. http://ift.tt/1XJFrny
This disturbing news on a nuke plant in Belgium being evacuated now developing..
Belgium ‘beefs up security’ at nuclear plants : Surveillance is stepped up with added security measures at nuclear plants,“ the agency reported. “Vehicles are being checked with police and army on site,” the agency added.
Most news agencies thus far have hidden this boy’s face in the photo above.. CNN chose to display the image without disguising the clearly underage child involved in the carnage in Brussels.. A journalistic decision
Brussels Phone Users Urged to Text Not Call as Networks Jammed
Firsthand report of terror in Brussels : ‘I heard a man shout some Arabic words then an explosion… then a second explosion, a massive explosion, much bigger.’ Speaking with blood on his hands and struggling to hold back tears, he added: ‘It was a horror. I saw at least seven people dead. There was blood. … Read moreFirsthand report of terror in Brussels
Brussels Airport explosions leave many dead and second ‘attack’ hits Metro station : The latest: people killed after two explosions struck near the American Airlines check-in desk at 8am (7am GMT) Reports of a firefight between police and attackers seconds before they shouted ‘in Arabic’ and detonated bombs Terrified passengers covered in blood ran for … Read moreBrussels Airport explosions leave many dead and second ‘attack’ hits Metro station
The images from Belgium are harrowing.. The nation feared terror for since and especially since Paris.. The arrest of the Paris attack mastermind didn’t help alleviate anything. And now today’s 8am morning rush hour double bombings of a subway system and airport in Brussels is being viewed by some as a response to the Friday … Read moreSoft target terror