My local mall (so as long as the mall exists, more on that later) has a drive in.. with spring nearing summer *weather still not feeling like it* a drive in will open there.. Which is a throwback, isn’t it?

But a much bigger throwback was a post that a friend of mine put on his Facebook page ..Old images of former drive ins in my county. At this point all of those drive ins have been wrecked and knocked down.

If you look at the one image close enough, you can see “I love Sandy” .. While growing up I always wondered to myself if that person ever stayed with Sandy … and now when I see the picture 20 years after it was knocked down, I wonder again…

2 thoughts on “THE OLD DAYS OF DRIVE INS

    • I think I have some great memories of them too.. But somehow even better memories of the cheap theaters.. The dingy ones? Not sure why… Maybe it’s the low life in me

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