PA spring..

It definitely sleeted today. It may have snowed.. I cannot tell. But it was cold.  Frost watches tonight.Hope you didn’t plant yet on the East Coast..

Farmers sue Monsanto over alleged Roundup cancer link// MORE: Three Nebraska farmers and an agronomist, all diagnosed with cancer, have filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging the seed and chemical giant of purposely misleading the public about the dangers

Farmers sue Monsanto over alleged Roundup cancer link// MORE: Three Nebraska farmers and an agronomist, all diagnosed with cancer, have filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging the seed and chemical giant of purposely misleading the public about the dangers


PFIZER’S STAND ON LETHAL DRUGS COMPLICATES CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: Winston Ross writes this in NEWSWEEK:  The immediate effect of drug manufacturer Pfizer’s announcement Friday that it will no longer sell its drugs for use in executions is obvious: States are about to have a tougher time finding the necessary ingredients for a lethal injection cocktail. Pfizer … Read morePFIZER’S STAND ON LETHAL DRUGS COMPLICATES CAPITAL PUNISHMENT

A chain of earthquakes like the ones that hit Kumamoto Prefecture and neighboring areas could occur in other regions, given the numerous active faults in the nation. The Kumamoto Earthquake illustrated the fact that Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries. About 10 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur in the nation.

A chain of earthquakes like the ones that hit Kumamoto Prefecture and neighboring areas could occur in other regions, given the numerous active faults in the nation. The Kumamoto Earthquake illustrated the fact that Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries. About 10 percent of the world’s earthquakes occur in the nation.