145 isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be

The oldest living man is 145. Well, we think. There are attempts being made to truly document this for history for the record books Mbah Gotho’s age.. But at this point, birth records indicate that he was born in 1870.. His lifespan has moved into triple centuries.. And he has indicated during published interviews that the … Read more145 isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be

This weekend: A nation of overdoses

The United States has (somewhat) finally started to pay attention to the heroin issue taking place within the borders of the country.. Perhaps not soon enough. And without solutions. A few months ago, I wrote a pained and detailed post about the towns that dread sundown here in America.. those little once quaint villages that are … Read moreThis weekend: A nation of overdoses

NOSTALGIA! What is it good for!? Absolutely nothing

I had a night without much sleep last evening.. My mind was racing from so many life changes occurring right now. My son starts school tomorrow! That is one day away.. The last five years of parental joy (not being sarcastic in that statement) are over .. at least this version. A new chapter is … Read moreNOSTALGIA! What is it good for!? Absolutely nothing