Well the STAR WARS cast enjoyed Grafitti Highway in Centralia ..
Well the STAR WARS cast enjoyed Grafitti Highway in Centralia ..
Well the STAR WARS cast enjoyed Grafitti Highway in Centralia ..
White House wants to add new racial category for Middle Eastern people.. If approved, a new “MENA” box could be added to 2020 census forms.
DONALD TRUMP APPEARED IN A SOFT CORE PORN MOVIE.. I tend to think that it really may not matter one bit to his supporters..
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is quietly starting to test certain foods for residues of a weed killing chemical linked to cancer, has found the residues in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies: The pesticide known as glyphosate in several types of infant oat cereal, including banana … Read moreThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is quietly starting to test certain foods for residues of a weed killing chemical linked to cancer, has found the residues in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies
This reporting from CNN: Secretary of State John Kerry’s frustration with the failure of American diplomacy was on display as he defended US efforts to help end the five-year civil war in Syria during a meeting last week with a group of Syrian civilians, according to an audio recording obtained by CNN. But Kerry also … Read moreJohn Kerry argued for the use of force in Syria.. and a new audio released shows him saying he lost the argument..
Netflix down for about 2.5 hours Saturday: And a crisis began..
THE AP REPORTS Russia warned the United States Saturday against carrying out any attacks on Syrian government forces, saying it would have repercussions across the Middle East as government forces captured a hill on the edge of the northern city of Aleppo under the cover of airstrikes. Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria … Read moreRUSSIA WARNS AGAINST UNITD STATES ATTACK ON SYRIAN FORCES..