Wikileaks bombshells

Forget Trump.. Forget Hillary.. And ignore that nonsense that Wikileaks is an arm of Russia .. There are some amazing tidbits in the Wikileaks document dump that just occurred.

Yes, Donna Brazille was a leaker.. And yes, Hillary didn’t really think much of the terror threat.

But there is something bigger and larger in the Wikileaks emails that matter: The Podesta files.

John Podesta has been a long time Clinton confidante for years. He will most likely be very involved with any potential Clinton (part 2) Administration. And he is highly interested in UFOs and finding the truth about hidden alien files within the government..

While the mainstream media is (unfairly by the way) not paying much attention to the Wikileaks files, they should be. Mostly for the Podesta emails…

I am personally going to research more in depth what is actually within the files over the coming days.. I will scour and report back to you faithful readers about the the contents. You can also do the same yourself.

But when someone tells you the Wikileaks documents don’t matter, put aside the normal right vs left political nonsense and realize that the Podesta files really, really matter a lot.