The Walking Dead torture porn hour

The WALKING DEAD gone too far!?
Fans revolted and repelled at Sunday night’s Torture Porn hour?

Fans are in a nightmare scenario: The Walking Dead may have lost its edge last season, but this year may have actually stooped lower and began the trend of being unwatchable..

The DAILY BEAST’s Melissa Leon writes this"

zombie drama aired its all-time most unwatchable hour Sunday night in a mind-numbingly brutal Season 7 opener that finally, after some ballsy meandering, revealed the identity of Negan’s victim, who was clubbed to death with a barbed-wire baseball bat in last season’s much-maligned cliffhanger.

You can read the entire review of the first night of the season here.

There is only so much you can do … Only so much hopelessness before you lose fans.

And I predict this year is the season when fans will say goodbye..