ROBERT ENGLUND posted a whole bunch of old behind the scenes…
ROBERT ENGLUND posted a whole bunch of old behind the scenes images from NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET..
ROBERT ENGLUND posted a whole bunch of old behind the scenes images from NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET..
An artist named Marc Schoenbach did just that! There are some amazing Michael Myers masks out there for Halloween. And some really, really awful ones.. I have owned both. The most iconic image of Michael Myers comes from the original film.. William Shatner’s face without paint is haunting and will forever be so. But just picture … Read moreJUST PICTURE MICHAEL MYERS WITH A TERRIBLE MASK!
I BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW THIS ABOUT GETTING BEHEADED.. Guillotines made the act of decapitating someone relatively quick (but not painless), but before the guillotine was invented, using a sword or axe often meant multiple strokes were required. Mary, Queen of Scots, for example, required three strokes when she was executed in 1587. Think that’s … Read moreI BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW THIS ABOUT GETTING BEHEADED..Guillotines…
Interesting breakdown..
This is an image from Seph Lawless–one of my all time favorite photographers and one of the coolest people online today .. he takes footage inside abandoned places. He is best known for his work with malls that are closing or have closed, sneaking in and taking video and footage from inside of malls that … Read moreThis is an image from Seph Lawless–one of my all time favorite…
The WALKING DEAD gone too far!? Fans revolted and repelled at Sunday night’s Torture Porn hour? Fans are in a nightmare scenario: The Walking Dead may have lost its edge last season, but this year may have actually stooped lower and began the trend of being unwatchable.. The DAILY BEAST’s Melissa Leon writes this" zombie … Read moreThe Walking Dead torture porn hour
Trump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis : This is much different than the ABC NEWS poll released yesterday showing Clinton with a 12 point advantage .. The noteworthy number may be the sampling of R, D, and Inds… The final … Read moreTrump, Clinton In Dead Heat As Race Hits Final Two-Week Stretch — IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis
AT&T to buy HBO, CNN, and the rest of Time Warner for more than $80 billion.. If successful, AT&T will gain control of huge entertainment and news brands including HBO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CNN, and resembles efforts by competing ISPs in recent years to create enormous media conglomerates.: And one of the biggest deals of … Read moreAT&T to buy HBO, CNN, and the rest of Time Warner for more than $80 billion.. If successful, AT&T will gain control of huge entertainment and news brands including HBO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CNN, and resembles efforts by competing ISPs in recent years to create enormous media conglomerates.
AT&T to buy HBO, CNN, and the rest of Time Warner for more than $80 billion.. If successful, AT&T will gain control of huge entertainment and news brands including HBO, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and CNN, and resembles efforts by competing ISPs in recent years to create enormous media conglomerates. » And one of the biggest deals … Read moreBATMAN TO MERGE WITH AT&T!?