THE PEDESTAL UFO EMAILS: What you are reading online MAY BE TRUE

So here is the tale of high strangeness… Donald Trump stuck his hair in his mouth and is battling his inner demons.. meanwhile Hillary Clinton is celebrating a moment she feels will make her president. And all the while, Wikileaks released some pretty rough information on her about giving speeches to rich people–not that you … Read moreTHE PEDESTAL UFO EMAILS: What you are reading online MAY BE TRUE

Man wearing clown mask follows school children, police say

Man wearing clown mask follows school children, police say: scarystoriestouploadinthedark: Parents behaving badly! This story is dateline Massachusetts .. with all of the fears taking place right not on school buses around the nation regarding clowns, it appears a parent attempted to capitalize on the entire event. Enter bad judgement: “APD investigated and identified the … Read moreMan wearing clown mask follows school children, police say

WNEP-TV personalities Tom Clark and Marisa Burke reported to be leaving station

WNEP-TV personalities Tom Clark and Marisa Burke reported to be leaving station: The rumors are flying around the LOCAL internet.. two big personalities on the night time evening news may be getting a buyout.. And gone. That is a big deal to me.. I have watched WNEP’s Tom Clark give forecasts since I Was a … Read moreWNEP-TV personalities Tom Clark and Marisa Burke reported to be leaving station

SNL jokes… 24/7 media coverage of the Trump ‘p&*sy’…

SNL jokes… 24/7 media coverage of the Trump ‘p&*sy’ comments to cousin Bush.. and only a 1 point drop? The POLITICO reports in more detail about the stunning non-effect of the seemingly obvious Trump-plosion: A 74-percent majority of all voters had a negative reaction to the video – including 47 percent who said their feelings were a … Read moreSNL jokes… 24/7 media coverage of the Trump ‘p&*sy’…